My husband is the best daddy in the world to our two children, Landon (2 years old) and Chandler (9 months, going on 9 years). He is also an awesome husband who would do anything for me and does everyday (like going grocery shopping with me and the kids after he got home from work today and then helping me clean up our very messy [now clean] kitchen)! He pretty much rocks! With that being said, it is a fact that God created men and woman differently, so what that also means is that he created mommies and daddies differently too. And that my friends, is what my silly but so true advice is about today.
We'll just call this... things that all mommies should understand about daddies...
1. Daddies don't know how to be quiet. They make a good effort after being SHHHHed at, but they are not nearly as crazy as mommies when it comes to noise. Mommies will do everything from holding in sneezes to leaving toilets unflushed (even when they should really be flushed) just to keep a napping baby asleep. Tip: Use a white noise machine or fan for white noise. Landon sleeps like a rock through almost anything. Chandler not so much.
2. Daddies are not wired to multitask. It's not that they wouldn't want to, but they just can't. Mommies can make lunch while entertaining the kids, feed them, and then clean up the mess all within 20 minutes. Daddies usually don't work that way, so be happy if your kids get fed and clean up the mess with a smile knowing that your man is doing a great job being a daddy!
3. If your husband offers to watch the kids for you so you can get out be happy! Don't expect the house to be clean when you return. In fact, expect it to look like a DISASTER ZONE, but just be happy your kids are alive when you return. Consider it a bonus if they have fresh diapers and smiles on their faces. And really who are you kidding anyway, the house is pretty much always a DISASTER ZONE anyway.
4. Most daddies are not bothered by a house that is not sparkling. Our daddy is not bothered by a house that looks like a tornado made an appearance. Mommies, on the other hand, start twitching when the house looks awry, the laundry is piled up and the trash can be smelled from across the street! Look on the bright side, at least he's not going around the house doing dust checks or breathing down your neck to get your clean on and be sure to be appreciative if he helps out with the cleaning around the house! My hubby chips in by washing and sometimes folding the laundry and taking the trash out every week. He also helps in other areas whenever he can. It still makes my skin crawl when he leaves shoes in the middle of the floor, but I try not to say anything. If that's all I have to deal with, I'll take it.
5. If you are a stay at home mom (SAHM), sometimes it's hard for daddies to understand that you worked your booty off all day, probably even harder then people who have full time jobs! If you are a mom with a full time job, I surely hope he cuts you some slack!! If your husband is like mine he is always amazing enough to come home and immediately help with the kids. Most nights he helps with baths and bedtime too. I have to admit it might be hard to see what we SAHMs do all day especially when the house sometimes is more of a wreck when daddy gets home then when he left, but we know how hard we work! All it would take is one 10 hour day in our shoes though, and they'd quickly get it.
6. Daddies have the amazing ability to tune out whining and crying. I have to admit, I'm jealous of this one. In the car, Landon could be whining for "his music" or Chandler crying because she wants out of her seat and it doesn't phase Matt at all. Me on the other hand, I can't focus on anything else except for the kids. Forget having a conversation with me. All I can think about is getting out of the car and rescuing Chandler from her car seat. As far as the whining goes... it must come to a stop. Mommy is not a fan and concentration is nearly impossible when whining is present.
There are probably more, but I'll stop here. For the record, this is all in love and just for fun! I had my hubby read this before posting just to make sure he was not offended. I also know that this does not apply to everyone's daddy. I happen to know though that there are at least a few of you who can agree with most of what I posted because we share stories together often. I also happen to know we love our husbands and the daddies they are.
Feel free to add more to the list!! Please do not feel free to make a Jesus Juke!
Happy Friday all!!
I thought of another one the night I wrote this, but haven't had time to add it in. Daddies have the amazing ability of falling asleep in 5 minutes or less! I don't know about you, but it takes me about 20 minutes at least to shut my brain off and relax! Most nights it takes me praying for God to help me get to sleep.