Well, it's officially facebook official... The Sanders will be welcoming a new baby into our family next year!
I'm Pregnant!
Trust us, we were just as surprised about 6 weeks ago as you are!
Landon, who is 4 now was absolutely 100% planned. We even tried all the magic they say to try to get a boy and it happened! Chandler Rae, now 2 was also 100% part of our plans. Tried for a girl and bam... got a girl! Baby Sanders number 3 was also 100% planned, but this time by God (my guess is it's a girl, but we won't be finding out until the birth). If you read my blog, then you read this post What Now? back in June. In this post I declared no babies, no dogs, and no moving for the Sanders family any time soon. Then in August you may have read this post, Life is Funny like That. Here I explained why we were moving on such short notice to our surprise! And here I am, just a few months later blogging about (in the words of my children) "a baby in my belly."
It's funny how God works! 28 and a half years on this planet helps you understand this. When we moved we got rid of everything baby! I'm talking everything! From the pack n play that I parted with through tears to just about every piece of baby clothing we had saved! After we moved, I started getting crafty and I really started enjoying the little bit of time I had to do some things I wanted to get done. We also made the big decision to home school our children (that's a blog post for another day), but over the last few months I really and truly have come to the realization that God has blessed us with two beautiful, healthy, funny, smart, and wacky children and that maybe two is what he planned for us. I literally said in my head to God probably about 8 weeks ago, "you know what, two is great. I think I'm good with two, God." Our children on the other hand, have been praying for another baby like crazy. Landon has asked many times how we get "one" in there. He even told us that we should get married again. We explained the best you can to a 4 year old that it comes with some praying and planning and so he did his part and started praying. I'm talking PRAYING. We'd be in the car and he would just say out of the blue, "Dear God, please put a baby in my mommies tummy, amen." This kid prayed so much for a baby, I began to worry what he may think if he didn't get this baby he was praying so hard for. Well, God has blessed us all by answering the prayers of my little ones and sometime in May or June we'll be welcoming that little answered prayer into our family with joy!
This is such a different experience as a mom because Landon was a baby when Chandler was born. There wasn't much involvement or explaining to do. They really don't remember life without each other. This time around they are so involved and excited. They're ready to be big helpers and can't wait for my belly to grow. Landon asked me the other day when the baby shower was because he was excited about having a cake (me too, Landon)!!
In other ways this pregnancy is turning out to be very similar to the others. I'm sick as a dog all day, all night, everyday. I'm craving some pretty weird stuff, but am too sick to eat it, smells of any kind are not welcomed, naps are a requirement, and I will be keeping any and all fast food chains that carry french fries in business for the next 7 months!
Selfishly, I'm not excited to be heaving over the toilet everyday and I'm not terribly excited to lose my figure again (I've worked very hard to get it back), but honestly, none of that will matter when I hold that sweet baby in my arms and love he/she with the same kind of crazy love I already have for my two kiddies.
I'm a little nervous about life with 3, after all we will be out numbered, but I'm more excited about our growing family and all that God has in store for us!
Cheers to a family of 5!